Sunita Kapoor a proud wife and a mother of three is a notable individual in her family amongst the Starrers of the Bollywood industry. She’s tracing her lineage in the Kapoor’s family since 1984 when she married the Bollywood Star Anil Kapoor, and has celebrated her 37th Wedding Anniversary recently. Sunita Kapoor was indulged in fashion designing and is an ex model of her times.
The Kapoor’s Notable Woman
Tracing the life of Sunita Kapoor based on facts and thoughts
While saying she’s a proud mother and a wife, it’s not just for namesake. If one glances into her Instagram Id all you witness is pictures of her children and her husband.
Their films, achievements, and promotions are kept intact as a ready to go library or a Wikipedia of recent times. These pictures include a caption saying ‘Proud’ at least for some random pictures. She’s classy and trendy at the same time.
Sonam Kapoor with Rhea Kapoor
Sunita Kapoor with her husband Anil Kapoor
Rhea Kapoor with Sonam Kapoor
She’s a person who puts her family and friends before anything else. There’s not a year when she has neglected to post a Birthday wish or anything of that sort to show her love and affection for her family. These posts are truly magic as she opts to more vintage pictures. Per say if you need to have a look at Sonam Kapoor Ahuja’s childhood picture just scroll down her profile and you find images like this.
Anil Kapoor with his Son Harshavardhan Kapoor
Important dates in her life Facts
Sunita with her Sister-in-law – Reena Kapoor.
This shows that she’s a woman who cherishes every single frame of her children. She is fond of memories and traces them in a unique way to showcase it to the world. Not just that her profile stands out as the biggest motivator for her followers. Her posts especially during the Covid times are about motivational quotes and positivity. She’s fun loving and at the same time keeps inspiration quotes as a carrot that motivates her to make a positive day.
- She and Anil Kapoor date for quite some time (11 years) before at long last getting hitched.
- Anil Kapoor was as yet a struggler when she wedded him. She used to go with Anil Kapoor during open air shoots. Designed clothes for her husband.
- Raveena Tandon is her best friend.
- Sunita has a more youthful kin Kavita.
- Her genuine name is Sunita Bhambani. Born in an hindu family on 25th January 1965.
- Anil Kapoor and Sunita Kapoor secured the bunch on 19-05-1984.
- Anil Kapoor’s Birthday (Spouse) – 24th December 1956.
- Sonam Kapoor’s Birthday (Elder daughter) – 9th June 1985.
- Rhea Kapoor’s Birthday (Younger daughter) – 5th March 1987.
- Harshvardhan Kapoor’s Birthday (Son)- 9th November 1990.
- Sunita Kapoor has celebrated 56 birthday’s till date.