Arushi makes her way to the opponent tent and tries to play friendly with Apoorva. She assures everybody present there that she will be courteous and brotherly with everyone. The next morning, A video message is sent by Rannvijay and they are called at the location for their next “BE THE CHANGE” task.
The team leaders are told to select one member each from any of them who have not become the permanent member of any gang so far. The formation of two teams can be seen; the one is consists of ‘favourites’ who got selected along with the permanent members, and the other team is consists of all the left out members called as the ‘underdogs’. Both the teams have to be equal in the number of players, and so the underdogs are asked to remove the two of their members who should not be performing the task. With mutual discussion and votes, Zabi and Srishti are eliminated from performing the task. The final teams are formed and the favourites comprise Apoorva, Pratibha, Kevin, Micheal, Jayant, Vipin, Sanjay (who was swapped with Hamid after the later was chosen first by Neha), and Akash. The remaining members form the team underdogs. And so finally the task “BAIL HALKE ME MAT LENA” begins. A fierce competition is set about. The task involves two stages; the first one is based on ploughing which demands ample stamina and strength, and the second one call for collection of ‘golis'(coins). By giving an eminent performance, the underdogs excel and get triumph over the favourites. They earn 8 immunities. Moreover, Srishti and Zabi lack their fortune and will now be standing on the danger zone in the vote out session. Being the “BE THE CHANGE” task, the gained amount is donated for the wellbeing of the farmers.
The episode ends with Rannvijay advising everybody “Halke me mat lena” to anybody.
Now we will see who survives the vote out and will be bidding goodbye to the roadies revolution. Stay tuned!