The Netflix’s first-ever Indian anti-utopian or simply a cacotopian Drama series Leila written by Urmi Juvekar, Shweta More, Suhani Kanwar, and Patrick Graham and directed by Deepa Mehta, Shankar Raman, and Pawan Kumar is a six-episode-series is an Indian thriller premiered on June 14, 2019, on the best video streaming platform Netflix starring Huma Qureshi, Siddharth Suryanarayan, Leysha Mange, Seema Madhu, Sanjay Suri and etc. in the crucial roles.
The series is based on 2017 novel written by Indian Journalist and Novelist Prayaag Akbar, revolving around the life of Shalini who is on the journey to go and find out her missing daughter in the totalitarianism form of government to be forming in the near prospect. The show is a slow narration of a lost mother Shalini’s thoughts and is an engaging thriller web drama, rated 4.7 out of 10.
The eponymous novel based web series Leila is a colourless and gloomy tale of a lady searching for Leila, set in the fabled society/world of Aryavarta.
- Huma Qureshi as Shalini
- Siddharth as Bhanu
- Leysha Mange as Leila
- Seema Biswas as Madhu
- Rahul Khanna as Rizwan Chaudhary
- Sanjay Suri as Joshiji
- Arif Zakaria as Guru Ma
- Ashwath Bhatt as Mr Dixit
- Indu Sharma as Mrs Dixit
- Pallavi Batra as Kanika
- Anupam Bhattacharya as Mohan
- Akash Khurana as Mr Rao
- Jagjeet Sandhu as Rakesh
- Prasanna Soni as Ashish
- Neha Mahajan as Pooja
Netflix has not renewed the season two of the series as of now as it considers a yearly gap between its original contents to be on the floors. The presumptions were made concerning the arrival of season 2 at the time of June 2020 that did not turn out to be very true.
Until and unless Netflix announces the sequel, we cannot just make a word about it.
As season was completely based on the source material, season 2 is least expected. But if the makers concern is to bring out another venture, it can be brought out with a different storyline either a self-written one or a different source material that is left unnoticed and unheard among the Indian audience.
Abhi Ke Liye Itna Hi, Official announcement ka wait karein tab tak.
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