Code M, an Indian web television series premiered on 15th January 2020 is an 8-episodes-series based on drama and mystery, created and written by Juggernaut Productions for the platforms of ALT Balaji and ZEE5 and Akshay Choubey respectively. The Hindustan Times pens down the review about the show and it goes like, “A Smartly Crafted Series With A Pinch Of Salt” and according to Pakaoo, the series is the story of Martyrs and Victims. The protagonists’ character has been portrayed by Jennifer Winget who began her new chapter in making her debut in web series with her co-stars namely Rajat Kapoor, Seema Biswas, and Tanuj Virwani.
The IMDb rating of the series is 7.8 out of 10 which is quite noticeable for someone who has just stepped into the world of Indian web series.
The series follows the life of an Indian Army lawyer and a woman leading the pack named Monica Mehra who comes across a conspiracy during her sharp and close study and inquiry of a military encounter case just few days before her wedding date, who does not leave a point in diving deeper to unearth the complete truth. The series is found to be a blissful change to watch among all the series that shows army men and women as their focal point.
- Jennifer Winget as Major Monica Mehra
- Tanuj Virwani as Legal Council Angad Sandhu
- Rajat Kapoor Colonel Suryaveer Chauhan
- Seema Biswas as, an alleged terrorist, Asif’s mother
- Keshav Sadhna as Major Gaurav
- Aalekh Kapoor as Major Shakti Mandappa
- Meghana Kaushik as Serana, Shakti’s Wife
After celebrating the success party of the web drama Code M which is an ode to all the Indian Army officers, Ekta Kapoor announced the renewal of the series on February 18, 2020, and is surely gonna come back by the next year i.e. 2021, may be during its mid or the end as the series was really applauded by the critics and the viewers as well.
No official data regarding the making or filming of the sequel have been dropped so far and we are not at the position now to anticipate any date about when the sequel may release. We can only wear our seat belts and wait for the team Code M to gear up for another chapter of the series.
The cast is going to remain the same as the season 1 and this is highly anticipated because the polishing of the acting skills delivered by the cast was greatly admired and they are expected to be returning back. Some additions of new faces might be made in the list of the current cast with an impactful storyline they are going to hold with them.