Serena Williams Quotes

54 Motivational Serena Williams Quotes (2024)

Serena Williams is an American Tennis player who’s just successfully won another two championships in Wimbledon 2016, in the women’s singles and women’s doubles.

At 34 years old, Serena is still proving that she is, if not, the best female Tennis player in the world. Williams has won over 22 grand slams, and even with younger talent coming through, she still comes out on top.

Here are 54 motivational Serena Williams quotes:


54 Motivational Serena Williams Quotes

1. “Everything comes at a cost. Just what are you willing to pay for it?” – Serena Williams

2. “I can’t become satisfied, because if I get satisfied, I’ll be like, “Oh, I’ve won Wimbledon, I’ve won the U.S. Open. Now can I relax.” But now people are really going to be fighting to beat me.” – Serena Williams

3. “I just hate to lose. When I am on the court, it is like my life depends on it.” – Serena Williams

4. “I really think a champion is defined not by their wins but by how they can recover when they fall.” Serena Williams

5. “When you’re playing the best player in the world, you’ve got to play well.” – Serena Williams

6. “I just never give up. I fight to the end. You can’t go out and say, ‘I want a bag of never-say-die spirit.’ It’s not for sale. It has to be innate.” – Serena Williams

7. “I am lucky that whatever fear I have inside me, my desire to win is always stronger.” – Serena Williams

8. “Family’s first, and that’s what matters most. We realize that our love goes deeper than the tennis game.” – Serena Williams

9. “There’s one thing I’m really good at, and that’s hitting the ball over a net, in a box. I’m excellent.” – Serena Williams

10. “Growing up I wasn’t the richest, but I had a rich family in spirit. Standing here with 19 championships is something I never thought would happen. I went on a court just with a ball and a racket and with a hope.” – Serena Williams


11th of 54 Serena Williams Quotes

“Think of all the girls who could become top athletes but quit sports because they’re afraid of having too many defined muscles and being made fun of or called unattractive.” – Serena Williams


12. “I don’t like to lose-at anything… Yet I’ve grown most not from victories, but setbacks. If winning is God’s reward, then losing is how he teaches us.” – Serena Williams

13. “Nothing comes to a sleeper but a dream.” – Serena Williams

14. “Venus told me the other day that champions don’t get nervous in tight situations. That really helped me a lot. I decided I shouldn’t get nervous and just do the best I can.” – Serena Williams

15. “When I’m down, I talk to myself a lot. I look crazy because I’m constantly having an argument with myself.” – Serena Williams

16. “We all know who the real number one is. Quite frankly, I’m the best in the world.” – Serena Williams

17. “Victory is very, very sweet. It tastes better than any dessert you’ve ever had.” – Serena Williams

18. “You have to believe in yourself when no one else does.” – Serena Williams

19. “I think in life you should work on yourself until the day you die.” – Serena Williams

20. “Luck has nothing to do with it, because I have spent many, many hours, countless hours, on the court working for my one moment in time, not knowing when it would come.” – Serena Williams

21. “I’ve had to learn to fight all my life – got to learn to keep smiling. If you smile things will work out.” – Serena Williams

22. “Since I don’t look like every other girl, it takes a while to be okay with that. To be different. But different is good.” – Serena Williams

23. “Tennis just a game, family is forever.” – Serena Williams


24th of 54 Serena Williams Quotes:

“Everyone’s dream can come true if you just stick to it and work hard.” – Serena Williams


25. “I’ve always considered myself the best and the top. I never considered that I was out of it.” – Serena Williams

26. “I’ve always been a fighter and I’ve always fought through things my whole life.” – Serena Williams

27. “I love who I am, and I encourage other people to love and embrace who they are. But it definitely wasn’t easy – it took me a while.” – Serena Williams

28. “If anything, you know, I think losing makes me even more motivated.” – Serena Williams

29. “I decided I can’t pay a person to rewind time, so I may as well get over it.” – Serena Williams

30. “I don’t know if I’ve had my share of drama, but I’ve definitely had my share of hard times.” – Serena Williams

31. “Luck has nothing to do with it.” – Serena Williams

32. “To this day, I don’t love my arms. People want more fit arms, but my arms are too fit. But I’m not complaining. They pay my bills.” – Serena Williams

33. “People see me on the court only as a superhero, grunting and winning. They think you’re a robot, and I’m not.” – Serena Williams

34. “You can be whatever size you are, and you can be beautiful both inside and out. We’re always told what’s beautiful and what’s not, and that’s not right.” – Serena Williams

35. “I’m thankful to my family, friends, and fans for all of their support.” – Serena Williams


36th of 54 Serena Williams Quotes

“I always say that when I’m playing well, no one can beat me. I’m not just saying that to sound full of myself or anything, but it’s true.” – Serena Williams


37. “With a defeat, when you lose, you get up, you make it better, you try again. That’s what I do in life, when I get down, when I get sick, I don’t want to just stop. I keep going and I try to do more. Everyone always says never give up but you really have to take that to heart and really do never definitely give up. Keep trying.” – Serena Williams

38. “I want to be a giving woman and just a nice person in general.” – Serena Williams

39. “All my life I’d woken up to tennis, tennis, tennis. Even if I don’t go to practice, I’m thinking about it all day.” – Serena Williams

40. “I try not to have too many rituals because I believe that rituals don’t help you win. I used to do rituals a lot and it was crazy.” – Serena Williams

41. “I always believe I can beat the best, achieve the best. I always see myself in the top position.” – Serena Williams

42. “I’m not used to crying. It’s a little difficult. All my life I’ve had to fight. It’s just another fight I’m going to have to learn how to win, that’s all. I’m just going to have to keep smiling.” – Serena Williams

43. “I definitely have found a balance. I’ve had so many offers in the past to do different movies or different things and I always choose tournaments over it.” – Serena Williams

44. “The success of every woman should be the inspiration to another. We should raise each other up. Make sure you’re very courageous: be strong, be extremely kind, and above all be humble.” – Serena Williams

45. “I’m a perfectionist. I’m pretty much insatiable. I feel there’s so many things I can improve on.” – Serena Williams

46. “I’m definitely not a fearless individual.” – Serena Williams

47. “I feel as a brand I’m here to be around for a long time.” – Serena Williams

48. “I’m an athlete and I’m black, and a lot of black athletes go broke. I do not want to become a statistic, so maybe I overcompensate. But I’m paranoid. Oprah told me a long time ago, ‘You sign every check. Never let anyone sign any checks.’” – Serena Williams


49th of 54 Serena Williams Quotes

“I was just tired of losing… Life was passing me by.” – Serena Williams


50. “I think you have to love yourself before you fall in love. I’m still learning to love myself.” – Serena Williams

51. “If I’m winning, I have to act like I’m not bored. If it’s a tough match, I have to act like I’m having a good time. I’m a drama queen.” – Serena Williams

52. “There’s always another record, then there’s always another person to catch up with or to pass.” – Serena Williams

53. “I think a smile can make your whole body. Models, they look fabulous, but they don’t smile, and they look so mad.” – Serena Williams

54. “Hopefully, we can build a rivalry and we’ll be able to do this a lot. Make a legacy, then retire champions.” – Serena Williams


Serena Williams Motivational Video

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