Nancy Pelosi Quotes

50 Powerful & Inspirational Nancy Pelosi Quotes (2024)

Which are your favorite Nancy Pelosi quotes?

Nancy Pelosi is an American politician who is the only woman in U.S. history to hold the position of Speaker of the United States House of Representatives. Other than that she was a major opponent of the Iraq War as well as the Bush administration’s 2005 attempt to partially privatize Social Security.

Here’s a collection of the most powerful Nancy Pelosi quotes:


50 Powerful & Inspirational Nancy Pelosi Quotes

1. “I think women bring a special skill for consensus building, intuitive thinking. And one other thing: women listen… and they listen to everyone. I’m not saying some men don’t, I’m just saying my experience is that we’re all better off if we all have a voice at the table, hearing each other.” – Nancy Pelosi

2. “Furthermore, we believe that health care reform, again I said at the beginning of my remarks, that we sent the three pillars that the President’s economic stabilization and job creation initiatives were education and innovation – innovation begins in the classroom – clean energy and climate, addressing the climate issues in an innovative way to keep us number one and competitive in the world with the new technology, and the third, first among equals I may say, is health care, health insurance reform.” – Nancy Pelosi

3. “The fact is that a lot of the spending increases came during the Bush administration. Two unpaid for wars we got ourselves engaged in. A prescription drug plan that added enormous amounts to our spending, and the tax cuts at the high end that did not create jobs and create revenue coming.” – Nancy Pelosi

4. “The impact of climate change is a tremendous risk to the security and well-being of our countries.” – Nancy Pelosi

5. “To have diversity of opinion in the debate strengthens the outcome and you get a better result.” – Nancy Pelosi

6. “I do believe that if we reduce the role of money in politics and increase the level of civility in our political discussion, we will have more women in politics—younger people, more minorities, more people of color, but especially more women.” – Nancy Pelosi

7. “The only time I’m the only woman in the room is when I go to the leadership meeting.” – Nancy Pelosi

8. “I think that the optics of it are that those who were at the White House were the ones who brought the- the virus back to Capitol Hill.” – Nancy Pelosi

9. “There are the fundamental core values of the Democratic Party, which is to work to grow the economy, to create jobs, to encourage small business, to encourage ownership, to expand access to quality health care, to enhance opportunity by making higher education more affordable to American’s young people, to have our children live in safe neighborhoods, drug-free, crime-free, and a safe and clean environment, first and foremost to provide for the national defense, to protect and defend the American people, and to have accountability for our budget and for our spending.” – Nancy Pelosi


10th of 50 Nancy Pelosi Quotes

10. “Freedom is secured every day by our men and women in uniform. We must build a future worthy of their sacrifice.” – Nancy Pelosi


11. “But we have to pass the bill so you can find out what is in it, away from the fog of the controversy.” – Nancy Pelosi

12. “It is clear that the American people are weary of war. However, Assad gassing his own people is an issue of our national security, regional stability and global security.” – Nancy Pelosi

13. “If women have confidence in themselves, they will have confidence in other women.” – Nancy Pelosi

14. “Having five children in six years is the best training in the world for Speaker of the House.” – Nancy Pelosi

15. “I went to all-girls’ schools my whole life, so every model of leadership that I saw was a young girl or a woman, and so there was never any hesitation that women could lead. I know what I believe.” – Nancy Pelosi

16. “Well, we’re getting our information the way everyone else is, in the media. But in terms of the succession, that’s an ongoing process.” – Nancy Pelosi

17. “The American people are very, very ready for a woman president. They’re far ahead of the politicians. I always thought it would be much easier to elect a woman president of the United States than Speaker of the House, because the people are far ahead, as I say, of the elected, on the subject of a woman being president.” – Nancy Pelosi

18. “Women are leaders everywhere you look – from the CEO who runs a Fortune 500 company to the housewife who raises her children and heads her household. Our country was built by strong women and we will continue to break down walls and defy stereotypes.” – Nancy Pelosi

19. “Civilization, as we know it today, would be in jeopardy if the Republicans win the Senate.” – Nancy Pelosi


20th of 50 Nancy Pelosi Quotes

20. “Hamas is a humanitarian organization.” – Nancy Pelosi


21. “Be yourself, know your power, have confidence in what you have to contribute.” – Nancy Pelosi

22. “Older people are not going to evaporate from the face of the Earth for two years. They’re going to have medical need and they’re going to have to be attended to. And the earlier intervention for it, the less the cost will be and the better the quality of life.” – Nancy Pelosi

23. “Women just have to have the confidence, taking inventory of what they have accomplished, whether it’s being a mom, being a teacher, being a small businesswoman, being in the military—whatever it happens to be, whatever combination of experiences, place a gold star on all of it. Be proud of it and be your authentic self.” – Nancy Pelosi

24. “Every month that we do not have an economic recovery package 500 million Americans lose their jobs.” – Nancy Pelosi

25. “Nothing brings more money to the Treasury of the United States than investment in education of the American people.” – Nancy Pelosi

26. “Pass the bill to find out what’s in it.” – Nancy Pelosi

27. “The best advice I ever got running for office was ‘Be yourself.’ Authenticity is everything. Think of what you have to offer and how unique that is.” – Nancy Pelosi

28. “If I cry, it’s about the personal loss of a friend or something like that. But when it comes to politics – no, I don’t cry.” – Nancy Pelosi

29. “We have so much room for improvement. Every aspect of our lives must be subjected to an inventory… of how we are taking responsibility.” – Nancy Pelosi


30th of 50 Nancy Pelosi Quotes

30. “I Don’t Remember Saying that Everybody in the Country Would Have a Lower Premium.” – Nancy Pelosi


31. “Perhaps there could be some sampling. Let’s depend on science on how to deal with it.” – Nancy Pelosi

32. “I always say the beauty is in the mix.” – Nancy Pelosi

33. “Go to find common ground; where you can’t, you stand your ground.” – Nancy Pelosi

34. “The sequestration is a bad idea, all around. It is something that is out of the question. If you have spending cuts, education of our children, other investments, on the National Institutes of Health, where you are hindering growth, you’re no going to reduce the deficit.” – Nancy Pelosi

35. “People exposed to the virus are largely minority. Everybody’s affected. But the death toll in the lack of- of testing and tracing in the minority community has had a very negative impact.” – Nancy Pelosi

36. “I come back to the science that is in it to reduce our dependence on foreign oil and climate change. It’s about science, science, science and science, innovation, as we rebuild America, create jobs, invest in our people and turn this economy around.” – Nancy Pelosi

37. “It isn’t as much you a spending problem as a priorities, and that is what the budget is, setting priorities. It’s about timing. And it’s about timing as to when make cuts, as well.” – Nancy Pelosi

38. “It’s not that we’re saying that women are better than men. The beauty is in the mix. You have to have diversity of opinion at the table, whether it’s men and women, people of color, young people, LGBTQ, you have to have diversity at the table—it’s absolutely essential.” – Nancy Pelosi

39. “And, cuts in education, scientific research and the rest are harmful, and they are what are affected by the sequestration.” – Nancy Pelosi


40th of 50 Nancy Pelosi Quotes

40. “What I’m interested in is what impact will it be on coming to the table with us and doing what we have to crush the virus, listen to science, have the public-private role that needs to be done to crush the virus.” – Nancy Pelosi


41. “Tracing, treating, mask-wearing, sanitation, separation and the rest and you don’t believe in science and you don’t want to govern to say.” – Nancy Pelosi

42. “I was raised in an Italian Catholic family in Baltimore, Maryland. Our faith is very important to us, our patriotism, love of faith, love of family, love of country. I took pride in our Italian American heritage and to be the first woman speaker of the House and the first Italian American speaker of the House, it’s quite thrilling for me.” – Nancy Pelosi

43. “What I do care about is that it’s an obstacle to other women entering politics because they’ll say, “Why would I do that? I have plenty of other options.” And women with plenty of options are just the women that we want to be in politics and government.” – Nancy Pelosi

44. “You have to believe in who you are and what difference you can make. You have to care about the urgency and the difference it will make to your community, and you have to, again, have confidence in the contribution that you can make. You believe you care, you have confidence in the difference that you can make. And that’s not to be egotistical, it’s just to be confident.” – Nancy Pelosi

45. “To crush this virus. And one way not to do it is to crush the Affordable Care Act, which the Senate is in the process of trying to do.” – Nancy Pelosi

46. “Whatever the deal is with other countries, we want a better deal for America’s workers.” – Nancy Pelosi

47. “There’s plenty of opportunity for everyone, so there’s no reason to worry about somebody else’s success, either saying you couldn’t do this so she’s better than you, or she’s doing it so you can’t. No, she’s doing it so you can.” – Nancy Pelosi

48. “People always ask, what impact will this have on the election? I say I’m not interested in that.” – Nancy Pelosi

49. “Did I ever tell my constituents that if they liked their plan they could keep it? I would have if I ever met anybody who liked his or her plan, but that was not my experience, that was not my experience. And it was not my experience as a mother of five, who occasionally has a bad back and the rest of that. I was considered a poor risk, even though I had some resources and thought I was quite strong for having five children. But the insurance company didn’t see it that way.” – Nancy Pelosi

50. “They don’t believe in science and they don’t want to do anything about it, because they don’t believe in governance.” – Nancy Pelosi



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