The Best Bryan Cranston Quotes

50 Best Bryan Cranston Quotes of All Time (2024)

Which are your favorite Bryan Cranston quotes?

Bryan Cranston is an American actor, writer, and director. Cranston is best known for his powerful characters that he played in various TV shows.

His work as an actor has earned him awards, including three consecutive Emmys for his role as Walter White on ‘Breaking Bad’.

Cranston’s career rose to fame when he was selected for a leading role in ‘Malcolm in the Middle’, It was a comedy series aired on ‘Fox’. He also wrote the story for the ‘Amazon Studios’ original crime drama, ‘Sneaky Pete’. 

Here’s our collection of the best Bryan Cranston quotes:


50 Best Bryan Cranston Quotes of All Time

1. “Ever since I stopped worrying about finances, I’ve made more money than I ever thought I’d make in my life.” – Bryan Cranston

2. “Hollywood has known this for quite a while: Cable is the place to go because they truly have a supportive network and they want to do things that cannot be seen on broadcast. That stimulates the writer-producer. Cable is king.” – Bryan Cranston

3. “I have a bad habit of inserting my ideas into shots and things. I don’t know, I don’t hold back on suggesting things, but I don’t have any connection to what actually happens, so I’ll make a suggestion on something and then just let it go.” – Bryan Cranston

4. “I think it’s not a question of why more a question of why not.” – Bryan Cranston

5. “I’ve got a whole mantel just waiting for those awards to come, a whole big mantel. There’s just so much available space. I’ve got the light fixtures hanging from the ceiling, all ready to shine on them. I dust it off every day.” – Bryan Cranston

6. “It doesn’t matter if you’re good. If you’re just good, you won’t succeed. If you have patience and persistence and talent and that’s it, you will not have a successful career as an actor. The elusive thing you need is luck.” – Bryan Cranston


7th of 50 Bryan Cranston Quotes 

7. “My dear friend Aaron Paul, I love you so much.” – Bryan Cranston


8. “There’s so many things that can go wrong in the execution of a project like a television show or a movie, so many little elements, any number of things, all the way to marketing – like they could market it poorly and nobody finds it and down it goes.” – Bryan Cranston

9. “What’s great about well-written material is, if you can shock with justifiable actions, that’s the best.” – Bryan Cranston

10. “You need to tell the truth to the audience, or they will throw a brick through the TV. They’ll turn you off.” – Bryan Cranston

11. “Being a day player, period is one of the hardest things you can do as an actor.” – Bryan Cranston

12. “Given the right set of circumstances any one of us could become dangerous – so why not show that in our programmes?” – Bryan Cranston

13. “I enjoy doing comedy for the fact that you go to work and you laugh. That’s a good combination.” – Bryan Cranston

14. “I think if you believe in past lives, I must have been an extremely deprived being. I must have been mistreated, beaten, and forced into indentured servitude because this life has just been phenomenal.” – Bryan Cranston

15. “I’m telling you until I shaved my head, I never realized how much heat is lost through the top of the head. I walk out in winter and it feels like I have an ice pack on my head. Unbelievable.” – Bryan Cranston

16. “In order to be an actor you really have to be one of those types of people who are risk-takers and have what is considered an actor’s arrogance, which is not to say an arrogance in your personal life. But you have to be the type of person who wants the ball with seconds left in the game.” – Bryan Cranston


17th of 50 Bryan Cranston Quotes 

17. “Money has never been my primary goal.” – Bryan Cranston


18. “The only thing that we as actors really can control is to be able to say ‘yes’ or ‘no’ to the material.” – Bryan Cranston

19. “What’s great about comedy, obviously, is that you set up a situation that people assume one thing and then you break the assumption. That’s basically the backbone to comedy. You set up a situation, let people make an assumption, and then you break the assumption.” – Bryan Cranston

20. “You get addicted to emotions. Our endorphins kick in and it’s like a high. On the low end, you might love roller coasters. On the high end, you might be a bank robber or something.” – Bryan Cranston

21. “Bad for the sake of bad is boring to me and not believable.” – Bryan Cranston

22. “Gay and lesbian couples should have the right to experience the joys of marriage and family.” – Bryan Cranston

23. “I can tell you for sure: people who are at their peak right now will not sustain that. You can’t. It’s against the law of nature.” – Bryan Cranston

24. “I love acting because it’s empowering. It empowers me.” – Bryan Cranston

25. “I want to be able to experience everything. I want to experience being a husband, experience being a father, experience, maybe, hopefully, someday being a grandfather and all those things. I want that experience. When I die, I want to be exhausted.” – Bryan Cranston

26. “If you’re a person who complains about everything all the time, then you’re just the boy who cried ‘wolf.’ But if you do it on occasion and about the right reasons, then people listen.” – Bryan Cranston


27th of 50 Bryan Cranston Quotes 

27. “Luck is a component that a lot of people in the arts sometimes fail to recognise: that you can have talent, perseverance, patience, but without luck you will not have a successful career.” – Bryan Cranston


28. “Take a chance. Take a risk. Find that passion and rekindle it. Fall in love all over again. It`s really worth it.” – Bryan Cranston

29. “We’ve been trained since kindergarten: Be nice, be kind, share, put on a smile. So we’re conditioned to squash our natural selfish instincts, and that’s the right thing for society.” – Bryan Cranston

30. “With craziness, you can’t predict it. There’s very little defense you can have on craziness.” – Bryan Cranston

31. “As a director, you come in and tell the actors how good they are.” – Bryan Cranston

32. “Every time you start a project, you’re hopeful that the critics receive it warmly.” – Bryan Cranston

33. “I appreciate my role as an actor much more after I direct because it’s just easier.” – Bryan Cranston

34. “I learned long ago to focus on things you can control and don’t even pay attention to things you don’t.” – Bryan Cranston

35. “I think, and I mean this sincerely, I was raised humbly. We were a lower middle-income family and a household that was scrimping by at times. We were watching the dollar, stretching the dollar, and coupons. It was all those things.” – Bryan Cranston

36. “If you have a level of expectation in your life that you have to be a quote-unquote star, whatever that means, you might be setting yourself up for failure.” – Bryan Cranston


37th of 50 Bryan Cranston Quotes 

37. “Love between two adults is always conditional. You can fall out of love because you are able to fall in love.” – Bryan Cranston


38. “People would love to be rich, but they’re looking for the easy way. Who wouldn’t want to win the lottery? Just to score.” – Bryan Cranston

39. “To me, character in a person is judged by the decisions that are made under pressure.” – Bryan Cranston

40. “When I was a kid there were a very select few channels – programmes had to have more of a large appeal and they just didn’t offer very much. Now you have a situation where the television world has expanded and there’s hundreds of channels.” – Bryan Cranston

41. “Actors are inherently self-centered.” – Bryan Cranston

42. “Every experience feeds an actor, and I’ve learned that depression is all around us.” – Bryan Cranston

43. “I admit, I do a lot of projects, but it’s because I’m in a position now where I’m reading a lot more scripts and plays and things, and I’m really listening to offers and trying to think what I want to do at any given time.” – Bryan Cranston

44. “I have a lovely family who supports me and it’s great.” – Bryan Cranston

45. “I think naturally if you’re an actor, there’s a high level of assertiveness that you need to have to survive this business. There’s boldness in being assertive, and there’s strength and confidence.” – Bryan Cranston

46. “If something is well-written, it has a chance to be good and if it’s not well-written, it will not be good. It could even become popular, but it won’t be good.” – Bryan Cranston


47th of 50 Bryan Cranston Quotes 

47. “It’s funny, I do try to maintain health. I started doing Bikram yoga which is that hothouse yoga, the 105 degrees yoga for 90 minutes. It’s great, you purge out all the sweat and you’re drinking water.” – Bryan Cranston


48. “My personal feeling, if I can interject a political note, is that I don’t think it is right that basic health care is a privilege. It shouldn’t be. It should be a right of all human beings. And certainly in the richest country in the world.” – Bryan Cranston

49. “This self-congratulatory notion Americans have that their country is Number One is borne of ignorance and bad manners.” – Bryan Cranston

50. “What’s interesting is a man with no facial hair is less intimidating than a man with facial hair, and a man who is bald is more intimidating than a man with hair.” – Bryan Cranston



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