Josh Allen Quotes

50 Athletic & Motivational Josh Allen Quotes (2024)

Which are your favorite Josh Allen quotes?

Josh Allen is an American football player. He is best known for playing in the most prestigious football league ‘National Football League (NFL)’ as a quarterback for the team ‘Buffalo Bills’.

He has successfully brought many astounding achievements for his team, including leading the Bills to their 10-win season, won records for most passing yards and touchdowns in a single season, and also brought his team to its first divisional title and playoff win since 1995.

Allen started his career as a footballer when he played for Reedley College before then made the transfer to the University of Wyoming.

Through his college football career, Allen led his team ‘Wyoming Cowboys’ to earn the widely celebrated ‘Mountain West Conference’ division title and two bowl games, which gave him a way to get drafted in the NFL.

Here’s a collection of the greatest Josh Allen quotes:


50 Athletic & Motivational Josh Allen Quotes

1. “At the end of the day, it’s not where you get drafted. It’s not going to set you in stone with how good you’re going to be in your NFL career. Obviously, it’s being surrounded by the right people, the right coaches, how you present yourself, how you work hard.” – Josh Allen

2. “Any rookie that can develop a mentorship with a former quarterback like Jim Kelly, it’s going to be huge.” – Josh Allen

3. “It’s fun to look over there and see a guy with as a great stature as John Elway. It’s really cool that he went to one of my games.” – Josh Allen

4. “My dad has sayings for days. ‘You bloom where you’re planted’ ties into farming, but it also sums up the ideals and morals that we have as a family by staying in Firebaugh.” – Josh Allen

5. “I can care less what people say about me. If I can go to the facility, work out, play football, and go home, that’s what I would do. I’m a big-time football guy. I could care less about the outside.” – Josh Allen

6. “I truly felt like I was a Division I quarterback, and I’d felt that way for a long time. I just wanted other people to see it.” – Josh Allen

7. “In practice, I think I’ve thrown it 82 yards, one time. In a game, I don’t think I’ve pushed it that far – probably 60, 65 yards in the air.” – Josh Allen

8. “I know I’ve got a lot of flaws as a quarterback.” – Josh Allen

9. “I think that kids who are at smaller schools or don’t have offers from big schools can look at my story and continue to work hard. I preach to them that it doesn’t matter where you come from: it matters how you play and how you apply yourself.” – Josh Allen


10th of 50 Josh Allen Quotes 

10. “I think where I come from is going to help me with a market such as New York.” – Josh Allen


11. “Football’s a part of me. If I’m not playing, then I’m not me.” – Josh Allen

12. “I definitely need to do everything I can to help whoever is going to catch the ball.” – Josh Allen

13. “The only thing I’ve ever wanted to do is play professional football, and be a professional quarterback, so now that it’s here and it’s getting close, it’s just kind of making all that pain and suffering and waiting and working hard worth it.” – Josh Allen

14. “My mom used to call me Joshy Boucher. I watched ‘The Waterboy’ so much, my mom started calling me Joshy Boucher. True story.” – Josh Allen

15. “Any football game, you can be hit one way or another. It’s not the safest sport that we play; it’s a beautifully violent game, and that’s what, in part, I love about it.” – Josh Allen

16. “Stats are for losers, and the one thing I’d like to point out, while at Wyoming, we won games, and I definitely think that’s how quarterbacks are judged in the NFL.” – Josh Allen

17. “Whatever team I go to, I’m going to give them everything, show them the type of character that I am because, like I said, my teammates know exactly who I am; they can vouch for me.” – Josh Allen

18. “I’m just trying to be the best quarterback possible. So as long as I’m playing well and improving every day, I will just continue this.” – Josh Allen

19. “I’m making throws where I don’t have to second guess, putting the ball where it needs to be, and when I’m making each throw, there’s no grabbing or pulling in there, and it feels comfortable and fluid.” – Josh Allen


20th of 50 Josh Allen Quotes 

20. “If I’m not the right fit for the Browns, that’s fine by me.” – Josh Allen


21. “If you didn’t want to believe in me, that’s OK, because I’ll make a believer out of you.” – Josh Allen

22. “I’m not afraid of the media. I think I know how to handle them because I’ve been around them enough.” – Josh Allen

23. “I’m a competitor, and I’m sure a lot of people who don’t get to play because of an injury, whether it’s their pride or their ego, whatever it is, they want to be out on the field.” – Josh Allen

24. “I got to start limiting the hits I take on myself.” – Josh Allen

25. “I’m not going to bow down to anybody, not going to back away from anybody.” – Josh Allen

26. “A defensive coordinator is always going to try to throw you something different and get you out of your element, and I have to do better with the pass protection.” – Josh Allen

27. “Seeing my dad wake up super early when the sun wasn’t even out and then coming home when the sun was set, he worked his tail off to provide for our family and did a great job. He’s the most selfless man I know, and I think if I’m half the man he is, I’ll be all right in this world.” – Josh Allen

28. “It’s football at the end of the day, and throwing the ball is what I love to do the most.” – Josh Allen

29. “Literally everybody talks about 56 percent completion percentage. It gets brought up in every meeting. It’s something I’m trying to work on.” – Josh Allen


30th of 50 Josh Allen Quotes 

30. “Coming all the way from one scholarship offer, you know, Coach Bohl and Coach Vigen, they believed in me when I came out of junior college.” – Josh Allen


31. “I definitely would embrace that opportunity to be the No. 1 overall pick, obviously that every quarterback would love to be that. It’s no different for me.” – Josh Allen

32. “I’m not going to sit here and say I know everything about everything. I definitely have work to do. The thing is, I’m willing to admit that.” – Josh Allen

33. “I had to decide if I was going to try a junior college or walk on somewhere. I even thought about changing sports. But I eventually decided that football was my passion.” – Josh Allen

34. “There are times in my career where I could’ve called it quits, and that would’ve ate at me for the rest of my life.” – Josh Allen

35. “I don’t think I have accuracy problems. I do think when my feet aren’t set, I deliver a different type of ball.” – Josh Allen

36. “It’s football. The game hasn’t changed. There’s not tons of new concepts every year that go in. Offense is offense; it’s our job to move the ball, to score points, and keep our defense off the field.” – Josh Allen

37. “I just love how fluid football has to be, how much time and energy it takes to practice and then taking it to the field and executing in a game situation.” – Josh Allen

38. “I’m going to prove I belong. There’s a lot of skepticism about the type of player I am, where I come from, the University of Wyoming, obviously.” – Josh Allen

39. “If I’m fortunate enough to become a Cleveland Brown, you can expect everything from me.” – Josh Allen


40th of 50 Josh Allen Quotes 

40. “I’m not really too focused on where I get drafted. It’s what I do after I get drafted.” – Josh Allen


41. “I understand the New York media is a lot more magnified than most markets, but I’m up for that challenge. I’d definitely be suitable, and I’d be primed for a market like that.” – Josh Allen

42. “That preconceived notion of me being inaccurate is completely false, and I look forward to changing that over time.” – Josh Allen

43. “The reason I want to be out on the field is to help my team, whatever which way possible I can. When I can’t do that, it hurts me.” – Josh Allen

44. “Heaving up a blind pass to maybe pick up 10 yards, rather than throwing the ball away – I can’t do that.” – Josh Allen

45. “I want to be the guy that turns around the Cleveland Browns. The guy that does that is going to be immortalized in Cleveland forever.” – Josh Allen

46. “In my opinion, there’s nothing better than practicing a play all week and then going on the field and thinking, ‘This is going to be a touchdown.’” – Josh Allen

47. “The key to my accuracy is making sure my feet are set right and trying to have a more polished throwing motion, a more polished stroke, you can say. When my feet are right, my hips are allowed to open a little better, which is kind of where your accuracy comes from.” – Josh Allen

48. “I am way more accurate than my completion percentage shows.” – Josh Allen

49. “There’s a lot of pressure that comes with being a NFL quarterback wherever you’re at, and I’m ready to tackle any situation that’s in front of me.” – Josh Allen

50. “Obviously, I didn’t get looked at and didn’t get recruited by Fresno State or any other school in the nation, to be honest. It has always been my goal to go into every game and show you why you should have recruited me, why you should have offered me.” – Josh Allen



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