Andy Jassy Quotes

43 Powerful & Bold Andy Jassy Quotes (2024)

Which are your favorite Andy Jassy quotes?

Andy Jassy is an American businessman.

He is most known as the CEO of Amazon Web Series, which is the most profitable division of one of the Big Five companies in the U.S. 

Jassy started his long-standing career working for Amazon right after he earned his MBA from Harvard.

He spent a year shadowing Amazon CEO ‘Jeff Bezos‘.

At that time, Bezos was on the verge of desperation trying to solve how to reduce product development time.

Jassy then successfully came up with the solution to the problem by founding Amazon’s branch he’s currently in charge of.

Here’s our collection of the best Andy Jassy quotes:


43 Powerful & Bold Andy Jassy Quotes

1. “You know, I think you have to, in any problem—you know this—in any complicated problem, you have to look at the details, and you have to dissect it and do some analysis.” – Andy Jassy

2. “And people don’t seem to have any problems telling us when they think there may be a misuse of the technology, and it’s very easy to send it to us.” – Andy Jassy

3. “Well, you know, first, I don’t think we sought to enforce—or to enable the Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency.” – Andy Jassy

4. “I mean, you probably know that we launched a phone, and that didn’t exactly set the world on fire, no pun intended.” – Andy Jassy

5. “And it was actually when there were all of these rumors when Barnes & Noble was going to launch their retail site, and people were saying that was going to be the end of Amazon.” – Andy Jassy

6. “We have very strong guidance for our law enforcement customers that if they’re going to use facial recognition technology in an investigation, they should only use it where you get answers that have at least a 99% confidence level, and then only as one piece of a broad set of pieces of evidence in a human investigation. And so we try to give very strong guidance and take action when we see any kind of misuse.” – Andy Jassy

7. “And so I think a lot of societal good is already being done with facial recognition technology. Already you’ve seen hundreds of missing kids reunited with their parents and hundreds of human trafficking victims saved and all kinds of security and identity and education uses. There’s a lot of good that’s been done with it. ” – Andy Jassy

8. “And then I think the other thing to remember is that consumers and customers have a choice on where they spend their money. ” – Andy Jassy

9. “And when you actually dissect what Amazon is, when you look at each of the business segments, the facts are we’re really small relative to the total market segment size in each of the businesses in which we operate, and they’re still all in their very infant, early stages. ” – Andy Jassy


10th of 43 Andy Jassy Quotes

10. “You know, again, I don’t think we know the total number of police departments that are using facial recognition technology.” – Andy Jassy


11. “Simply because Amazon decides to pursue a market segment doesn’t mean the customers are going to spend their money there, and so it means that we have to do an amazing job in providing a great customer experience that customers want. ” – Andy Jassy

12. “I think that it’s been unusual that we’ve been able to do so in a few business segments. But customers get to choose, and it changes all the time, and we have a very small market segment share in each of the businesses in which we operate. ” – Andy Jassy

13. “But while we are constantly improving our algorithms, and we have a lot of internal auditing that we do and benchmarking that we do, we will continue to make it better all the time. ” – Andy Jassy

14. “But I also understand that it could be misused, and it’s why we always say if there’s any kind of documented proof of people misusing the technology, we will suspend people’s ability not just to use the technology but to use AWS.” – Andy Jassy

15. “we have a very large number of customers who are very demanding, appropriately, who are not shy about telling us what they’d like to see us improve in our product and in our offering.” – Andy Jassy

16. “Yeah, you know, I think that if you look at the reality—some of that sounds very good, but if you look at the reality and the facts, first of all, just because Amazon chooses to enter a business segment doesn’t mean we’re going to be successful.” – Andy Jassy

17. “So I have a feeling that if you see police departments abusing facial recognition technology, that will come out. It’s not exactly kept in the dark when people feel like they’ve been accused wrongly. ” – Andy Jassy

18. “I think that, believe me, if there’s some kind—we see almost everything in the media today, and I think that you can’t go a month without seeing some kind of issue that somebody feels like they’ve been unfairly accused of something of some sort.” – Andy Jassy

19. “We worry, by the way, about the civil liberties issues. If you know anything about what a lot of the senior leaders at Amazon do in their free time, they spend a lot of time on civil liberties. It’s something that’s very important to me and I think a lot of my peers. ” – Andy Jassy


20th of 43 Andy Jassy Quotes

20. “And, you know, then I think if you look at some of the successful business segments that we’re in, you know, in our retail business we are about 1% of the world’s retail business segment.” – Andy Jassy


21. “And so to me, to not allow our police departments to have access to the same modern, sophisticated technology that can help keep our communities safe is the wrong optimization. ” – Andy Jassy

22. “We get a number of documented complaints of misuse of technology all the time, because we have millions of customers who use the platform across, you know, all over the world in every imaginable use case. ” – Andy Jassy

23. “First, I don’t actually think it’s too much of an onus to put on customers or on end-users.” – Andy Jassy

24. “We’ve also been very consistent in saying that if we find that we have customers, regardless of who they are, who are misusing the technology and violating people’s civil liberties and violating the law, and we have documented proof of that, we will suspend their ability to use our platform. ” – Andy Jassy

25. “You know, Amazon as a whole has become—has been successful, and across a few different business segments, but simply because the company’s been successful, in a few different business segments, doesn’t mean it’s somehow too big. ” – Andy Jassy

26. “And then in each of those categories, there is very deep competition with very well-funded and very capable companies.” – Andy Jassy

27. “Facial recognition technology is just one piece of the overall pie. We still—as I said, it’s very early days in people using it, but we haven’t seen any abuse yet.” – Andy Jassy

28. “And so from a very early time—I’ve been at Amazon now for 22 and a half years, and I always remember one of the first things I heard Jeff Bezos say back when we could fit the whole company in just one conference room for an all-hands meeting.” – Andy Jassy

29. “I also think it’s completely fair for people to say that’s not enough; we want to have some kind of regulation where there’s more prescriptive guidance in how the technology must be used. And we’ve been vocal about thinking that the federal government should do something about that. And I think at the end of the day with any technology, whether you’re talking about facial recognition technology or anything else, the people that use the technology have to be responsible for it, and if they use it irresponsibly, they have to be held accountable. ” – Andy Jassy


30th of 43 Andy Jassy Quotes

30. “I have not—you know, we don’t have a large number of police departments that are using our facial recognition technology, and as I said, we’ve never received any complaints of misuse.” – Andy Jassy


31. “Let’s see if somehow they (police departments) abuse the technology. They haven’t done that, and to assume that they’re going to do it and therefore you shouldn’t allow them to have access to the most sophisticated technology out there doesn’t feel like the right balance to me. ” – Andy Jassy

32. “When you talk about facial recognition technology, we’ve had zero reported misuses of the technology by law enforcement. So it’s not hard for people to do it. They do it all the time when they see it. ” – Andy Jassy

33. “But I would say simply because the technology could be abused in some way doesn’t mean that you should ban it or condemn it or not use it.” – Andy Jassy

34. “So we believe that it’s important for us to be able to provide access to our government to be able to use that technology, and we’ve been consistent about that across government. ” – Andy Jassy

35. “And Jeff told all of us, he said: “I would not go to bed at night fearing your competitors or fearing any external issues. I would go to bed at night fearing whether you’re doing right by your customers.” And that really is a credo that we live here; it’s what we spend most of our time thinking about. ” – Andy Jassy

36. “We don’t think about it very deeply. You know, at the end of the day, if I had to categorize what we spend most of our time thinking about, it’s really in each of our businesses.” – Andy Jassy

37. “I mean, I think that what we have always said—and we feel very strongly about this—is that it is unbelievably important for the safety of the country and the safety of the world for the U.S. government to be able to have access to the most modern, sophisticated technology, of which the cloud is, and we believe AWS has the most capability in the cloud.” – Andy Jassy

38. “You know, if you think about computers and servers, and you think about all of the misdeeds that have been done with servers, breaking into people’s systems, stealing email addresses and data and things like that, imagine what our world would look like if we had banned or not used computers or servers. It would be a very different world. ” – Andy Jassy

39. “You know, I think there’s—the public probably doesn’t know the techniques, every single technique and how many police departments use every single technique in all their investigations today and haven’t for the last number of years. ” – Andy Jassy


40th of 43 Andy Jassy Quotes

40. “So we have a relatively tiny share of the overall market segments in the categories in which we operate.” – Andy Jassy


41. “I have a different view, and we’ve spent—we’ve had the facial recognition technology out for use for over two-and-a-half years now, and in those two-and-a-half years, we’ve never had any reported misuse of law enforcement using the facial recognition technology.” – Andy Jassy

42. “If you look in cloud computing or in the AWS [Amazon Web Services] business, 97% of the spend in the IT market is on-premises, and only 3% of the spend in the entire IT market is in cloud computing of which we’re a share of that.” – Andy Jassy

43. “Yeah, again, if we have documented cases where customers of any sort are using the technology in a way that’s against the law or that we think is impinging people’s civil liberties, then we won’t allow them to use the platform.” – Andy Jassy



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