Fatboy Slim Quotes

40 Fatboy Slim Quotes About Happiness & Passion

Which are your favorite Fatboy Slim quotes?

Fatboy Slim is an English DJ, rapper, and record producer. He is most famously known for being the bassist for the popular indie rock band ‘the Housemartins’, following the group’s split, Slim formed the electronic band ‘Beats International Brighton’ and successfully produced the number-one single ‘Dub Be Good To Me’.

As a solo artist, Slim has also released top hits singles such as ‘The Rockafeller Skank’, ‘Praise You’, and ‘Right Here, Right Now’ which further brought him to commercial and critical success.

Throughout his solo career in the music industry, Slim has brought home many ‘MTV Video Music Awards’ and ‘Brit Awards’ as well as holding the ‘Guinness World Record’ for most top-40 hits under different aliases.

Here’s a collection of the best Fatboy Slim quotes:


40 Fatboy Slim Quotes About Happiness & Passion

1. “I loved being able to enjoy the process and throw myself fully into it.” – Fatboy Slim

2. “Money is replaceable, but culture and people’s lives aren’t.” – Fatboy Slim

3. “I’ve been in a state of reflection, relaxation and family time, which although wasn’t overdue definitely wasn’t Underdue either.” – Fatboy Slim

4. “Everyone thinks because I make sort of electronic sounding music I know how technology works, but I’m terrible and I try to keep it out of my life as much as possible. And so I’m not up with the technology of it all.” – Fatboy Slim

5. “Weirdly, all this gave me the summer off I’ve always promised myself. That’s what I had to believe to get through the angst of not playing a gig every other weekend, which I’ve obviously been doing for the last 30 years.” – Fatboy Slim

6. “Nowadays I don’t really let Fatboy Slim out of the box apart from when I’m on stage. As soon as I come off stage, he goes back in the box.” – Fatboy Slim

7. “Half my friends are busier than ever and back at work, while the other half are starving and I’m kind of stuck in a limbo in the middle of not being able to work and finding other things to keep me busy. So it hasn’t been that productive but I’ve kind of tried to keep myself… just, in the moment.” – Fatboy Slim

8. “My relationship with music is, it’s sort of the soundtrack to your life, like in a film soundtrack. I realized that so many of the songs just reminded me of a particular person or a particular night or a particular place.” – Fatboy Slim

9. “I’m probably most proud of “Right Here, Right Now”, just because it can still conjure up emotions, all those years later. It still gives me goosebumps.” – Fatboy Slim


10th of 40 Fatboy Slim Quotes

10. “When I first started DJing we were just above the glass collector in the food chain of nights out.” – Fatboy Slim


11. “What I love about it is, most of the time you’re just thinking about tunes for that weekend – what’s new, or what’s coming out – but to just have time to wonder around your record collection soaking up all the memories. The most incredible thing was just the memories – each track.” – Fatboy Slim

12. “Watching the whole culture of DJing change and become more important, and dance music in general not being just something that drunk people listen to at parties, you know to hear it on the radio… I’ve seen so much happening and I wouldn’t change any of that.” – Fatboy Slim

13. “It was good for the soul for me to take a summer off cause normally that’s my busiest time and I never have any time with my kids.” – Fatboy Slim

14. “So, originally, it was self-preservation – I didn’t wanna take the irresponsible hedonist home with me. And now it’s more I have to make an effort to get into character, to be that person. It doesn’t take much though.” – Fatboy Slim

15. “I’m probably one of the last generations which existed completely before computers, let alone social media. Either because of that or despite it I’m quite a Luddite.” – Fatboy Slim

16. “Well, I didn’t get back to writing the difficult 7th album, I didn’t take up painting… I just sat here and played with my kids. I mean I did the lockdown mixes every Friday for the first 20 weeks, and that kind of kept me sane, but apart from that I just took the time to be the dad I’m not always present enough to be.” – Fatboy Slim

17. “I won’t embarrass anyone by naming them but a lot of DJs have come up to me and said: ‘You’re the reason I began DJing’. Every time I hear that I get a little notch on my post – like another soul is mine.” – Fatboy Slim

18. “I’ve had a puzzle on the go pretty much permanently for the last 3 months.” – Fatboy Slim

19. “In my drinking days it was a question of survival – you have to be able to switch off that persona… you know to function as a human being you have to be able to switch it on and off. Then when I got sober it was like I can’t be Norman on stage, like Norman is way too dull to be a performer.” – Fatboy Slim


20th of 40 Fatboy Slim Quotes

20. “Fatboy Slim just can’t be arsed cause it’s not very fun making music on computers – it was much more fun when you were just staying up all night and abusing vintage drum machines.” – Fatboy Slim


21. “I don’t think we would have survived lockdown without the internet, as it is. Without Zoom, I think a lot of us would have suffered a lot more. I’m trying to think about what state we were in 20 years ago.” – Fatboy Slim

22. “I appreciate it more in terms of just realizing how lucky I am to be in this business, to be in this cultural arena where what we do lifts people and helps people.” – Fatboy Slim

23. “But really I had to just take it on the chin and accept that, under no illusions do I work in a business that’s going to put back in place quickly or with any kind of priority.” – Fatboy Slim

24. “I got really homesick for Glastonbury and that was the only time when I really really missed what I would have been doing at that time.” – Fatboy Slim

25. “He’d be a nightmare. Fatboy Slim’s an irresponsible fucking lunatic – you can’t be him during the week, and definitely not as a father.” – Fatboy Slim

26. “It was strange, don’t get me wrong, but I mean I’m kind of lucky that I’m down in Brighton and I have my kids around me so I had plenty to do – and I’m lucky enough that I don’t live hand to mouth so I can afford to take a bit of time off.” – Fatboy Slim

27. “Norman’s far too frail of ego to put something out under his own name – he would worry about what people thought of him, whether he’s too old. Norm would worry about that.” – Fatboy Slim

28. “The only time I’ve ever felt patriotic was the Olympic closing ceremony – we managed to put on a good Olympics, we didn’t cock that one up. We won a couple of medals and to play that ceremony, it was honestly the first time I felt proud – I had this feeling in my chest and it took me a while to realize what it was. Patriotism.” – Fatboy Slim

29. “jigsaw puzzles and kids. Two 10 year-olds and an 18-year-old never let you feel too bored.” – Fatboy Slim


30th of 40 Fatboy Slim Quotes

30. “I basically learnt it’s okay to just go to bed at 4 o’clock in the morning. What’s harder is thinking your night starts when work ends at 4 am – and then being faced with an early flight the next day. So, no, I don’t miss it, it’s quite manageable. But I mean tons of performers do it, tons of people. When you meet them they’re not that person and simply couldn’t be that person for 7 days a week.” – Fatboy Slim


31. “Buy Back to Mine, sit down with five of your closest and oldest friends, get really high, and cuddle each other and talk bobbins. That’s the thing we’ll never be able to recreate on Zoom: listening to a CD with your best mates, getting on it, and chatting shit about life and love. Just think about 10 different ways you can tell them how much you love them. That’s what really matters.” – Fatboy Slim

32. “Or a sporting event. It still gives me goosebumps and I’m not supposed to get goosebumps from my own tunes in the first place, let alone 12 years later. So that’s the one I’m most proud of.” – Fatboy Slim

33. “To be honest, a lot of people were just scrabbling round going: ‘Ah I’m gonna do this now, I’m gonna take up painting.’ I kind of went the other way – I was a bit like a rabbit caught in headlights.” – Fatboy Slim

34. “I’ve never been proud to be British. I grew up during the power cuts, the miner’s strikes. No, I’ve never been proud of this country. What’s to be proud of? Our triumphs were colonialism which meant raping most of the world, and all we’ve done since is cock things up, upset people, be arrogant, xenophobic, racist.” – Fatboy Slim

35. “I know how to send emails and I know how to do music but I only learn the bits that I really need. I’m like that with social media and it’s enough for me to communicate with people but I don’t think I’m really using its full capabilities.” – Fatboy Slim

36. “With me and with my social media audience, we all use it but we don’t live by it. So it’s a good means of communication but I don’t think I’m right in there using it to the full extent of its capability.” – Fatboy Slim

37. “But in terms of going stir crazy, jigsaw puzzles have always got me through times of stress and crisis, I guess because you can just… just switch off and get into the world of something else.” – Fatboy Slim

38. “I also think, if you think about the state of the country at the moment, I think morale and respect for the government are probably two of the things that could really make this pandemic a disaster.” – Fatboy Slim

39. “I think smells and music are the most evocative things to install memories of emotions – remembering one night where I was so in love or one night where I was just so excited – or so high, you know.” – Fatboy Slim

40. “I think being asked to produce Blur. That was totally insane, to be fished out and asked to do that. Also, just people saying I’m the reason they’re where they are today.” – Fatboy Slim



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