SonyLIV’s A Simple Murder Case premiered on November 20, 2020, written and directed by Prateek Payodhi and Sachin Pathak respectively. The 9 episode series is a fictional crime drama blended with dark comical effects with an overall IMDb rating of 6.8 out of 10.
A Simple Murder Case is an epic story of a languished entrepreneur who his eyes laid on the lady of his life named Richa who has this heavy amount of inclination over a huge sum of money, money, and money, having a desire to wear a weighty currency necklace and to sleep on a bed with money disseminated all over it. With so many unforeseen and never saw coming coincidences and not-so-happening events, the series incorporates that coincidences can happen anywhere anytime and mostly when we less expect them. The series has the potent cast namely Mohammad Zeeshan Ayyub, Priya Anand, Amit Sial, and Sushant Singh in the central roles.
The series is followed by tempts, scenarios of debauchery, finding an affluent man, series of gold-digging, the tale of cat and mouse, and getting trapped into the bait for fulfilling the never-ending needs of Manish’s wife Richa. For the sake of the wife’s desires, how an ordinary man who has been besotted, with no heights of excellence falls into a ship of an unwanted murder case which has no escape hatch in it, is what we get to watch if summing up in easy words.
The series is a flair display of imagination and well-written plot with striking twists and therefore it embraced a good amount of positive reviews from critics and viewers. The binge-watchers definitely look forward to another inevitable fun series of crime comedy.
- Md. Zeeshan Ayyub as Manish.
- Sushant Singh as Himmat.
- Priya Anand as Richa.
- Tejasvi Singh Ahlawat as Priya.
- Amit Sial as Santosh.
- Ankur Pandey as Usmaan.
- Durgesh Kumar as Shankar.
- Vijay Raaz as The Narrator.
- Gopal Dutt as Amit.
- Ayaz Khan as Rahul.
- Yashpal Sharma as Pandit.
- Vikram Kochar as Sub-inspector, and others for fleeting appearances.
We expect another venture of the series as it ended causing white knuckle among the peeps, at a cliffhanger but this cliffhanger does not seem to be forced. The sequel may arrive by the subsequent year or the next to it because the audience highly demands the same. The makers may think about the making of the sequel sooner or be back with the original ensemble cast and announce as and when they are ready for it. No anticipated date can be indited as of now but yes, the reports of sources and the online portals should be dropped soon.